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HYMN is the #1 Classical and Classical Crossover Album on Billboard


HYMN is the #1 Classical and Classical Crossover Album on Billboard!

Fans have been sharing their amazing reviews… and the critics agree!

“Similar to ‘Sogni,’ the title cut ‘Hymn’ is another noteworthy song that is worth more than just a passing glance. Sarah Brightman’s crystalline voice shines bright like a diamond on the song “Hymn.” It garners an A rating. Well done.” – Digital Journal

“The listener is transported back to a musical period that this reviewer would say is around the mid-1990s, an era of magical, epic ballads with a sometimes rocky undertone.” – Press Association

“Overall, Sarah Brightman has released a fantastic new studio effort, Hymn. Her vocals on Hymn are pristine and heavenly. She is an artist that simply gets better with age and experience, like fine wine.” — Digital Journal

“… say hello to ‘popera’ pioneer and angel of music, Sarah Brightman.” – The Big Issue

“The Joyous upbeat collection that mirrors her state of mind.” – Sunday Express 

“Along with the collaborations, Brightman’s album jumps from classical and cinematic music to pop rhythms in a cohesive album threaded by its spiritual nature.”  –People

“..her most uplifting and optimistic album yet.” –  CBC Radio 1, q with Tom Power

“The album, filled with spiritual choral music…..hinges on the concept of togetherness during times of global turmoil.” – Zoomer Magazine