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Sarah's Behind-the-Music Spotify Mobile Scavenger Hunt

Congratulations to the Week 9 Scavenger Hunt winner, Brightman Voice forum member Samy, who discovered “Think of Me,” which was originally entitled “What Has Time Done to Me.” Samy is this week’s Fan of the Week … and has been entered into the contest to win one of three “”Ultimate Fan Grand Prize Packages”” with beautiful collectors’ items from Sarah’s store and collectible memorabilia.

Just one more week of clues and trivia questions about Sarah’s songs throughout her incredible five-decade long-career. Watch this space on Wednesdays for another chance to play and win!

Week 10 Scavenger Hunt Clue and Question: The video for this song from Sarah’s album ‘Dreamchaser’ depicts an ancient Hindu festival. What is the name of that festival?

Decipher the clue to find the song on Spotify… then open up the “Now Playing” screen to find the answer to the question, hidden within the special video clip. To play, click here.