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2024 Birthday Wishes for Sarah!

A very special fan video featuring some of fans’ lovely messages for Sarah’s birthday (2024).

Fan Video: Valentine’s Day Love Notes 2024

Happy Valentine’s Day! Thank you to all who shared heartfelt love notes and photos in honour of the special people ... > Read More

NEW Fan Video: Favourite Sarah Brightman Songs from Musicals

A beautiful fan video featuring messages about Sarah’s performances of songs from musicals. ... > Read More

Fan Video: Favourite Memories from ‘The Phantom of the Opera’

Fans’ remembrances from ‘The Phantom of the Opera’ on the 37th Anniversary of its premiere in London. ... > Read More

Fan Video: Favourite Moments from Sarah’s TV Specials

A beautiful video featuring fans’ personal favourite songs and moments from Sarah’s spectacular performances in TV specials.  ... > Read More

2023 Birthday Wishes for Sarah

A collection of beautiful wishes for Sarah’s birthday from fans in 2023. ... > Read More

Fan Video: Celebrating International Friendship Day

A very special fan video featuring fans and their “Amigos Para Siempre.” ... > Read More

Fan Collaboration and Video: Sarah’s Summer Songs Playlist

A very special fan video featuring messages about Sarah’s songs that bring joy during the summer months. ... > Read More

Fan Video: ‘Timeless’ Memories

A beautiful fan video featuring ‘Timeless’ song dedications from fans to the very special people in their lives.  ... > Read More

Fan Video: Celebrating National Pet Day

A special fan video featuring beloved animals, in celebration of National Pet Day 2023. ... > Read More