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Press Quotes

Say hello to ‘popera’ pioneer and angel of music, Sarah Brightman.

The Big Issue

The listener is transported back to a musical period that this reviewer would say is around the mid-1990s, an era of magical, epic ballads with a sometimes rocky undertone.

Press Association

Similar to ‘Sogni,’ the title cut ‘Hymn’ is another noteworthy song that is worth more than just a passing glance. Sarah Brightman’s crystalline voice shines bright like a diamond on the song ‘Hymn.’ It garners an A rating. Well done. 

Digital Journal

Sarah Brightman Shines Like A Star

Bild (Germany/Europe)

They say a star must be a study in contradictions, someone mysterious and difficult to define. If that’s the case, Sarah Brightman strongly qualifies. She is a delicate waif one minute, operatic diva the next. She offers her own form of rock – soprano belting – switches to classical and then expertly combines all her identities. Through transitions from sweetheart to seductress, she maintains a majestic distance, like a queen dispensing generous gifts to her adoring subjects.

Daily Variety

…her voice is still one of a haunting siren.

Reuters/Hollywood Reporter (USA)