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Press Quotes

…Hers is a performance of pure class. This pocket-sized dynamo gave her all — and more — in an evening of fantasy and imagery. …Punctuating those golden classics was the emotional La Luna and a stunning performance of Nessun Dorma. This was Brightman at her operatic best; the dimunitive diva simply knocking the socks off the audience.

Adelaide Sunday Mail (Australia)

..Sarah Brightman thrilled fans with her sweet voice and dazzling appearance…

People's Daily (China)

Brightman at her operatic best; the dimunitive diva simply knocking the socks off the audience.

Adelaide Sunday Mail (Australia)

…One of the theatrical highlights was “What a Wonderful World,” which Brightman sang in black garters, white lace and stocking feet sailing high above the crowd on her own swing, while rose-petal confetti rained down on her. Brightman has a way of creating these memorable scenes that complement the music and create a momentary escape from the ordinary. The well-known Louis Armstrong version of the song faded away as Brightman made it her own.

Reno Gazette-Journal (USA)

Ms. Brightman aims to enrich the soul with the magic of sights and sounds.

Dallas Morning News (USA)

Brightman’s voice is renowned for it’s shimmering qualities. She has also earned her place by her enviable ability to transform a grand classical opera aria into laymen’s terms. She is coquettish in her approach and plays the role of angelic seducer.

Melbourne Herald Sun (Australia)